Student Disclosures
CTU致力于提供信息和披露,以帮助未来的学生对他们的教育选择做出明智的决定. 本页提供的信息旨在促进这一努力.
Consumer Information
Consumer Information, sometimes referred to as Student Right to Know information, is provided as required by the U.S. Department of Education. Consistent with these requirements, we report and disclose certain information in a clear, prominent, user-friendly, and easily understood manner. This information is available on this website; currently enrolled students, faculty, 每年7月1日,工作人员都会收到有关此信息可用性的电子邮件通知.
Select a campus and click on the links below. A paper copy is available upon request.
CTU Colorado Springs
CTU Denver South
CTU Online
Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Outcomes Disclosures
有关学生成绩的信息,如毕业率, 我们的毕业生注册的保留率和研究生水平课程的类型可以通过点击访问 here. This information is compiled according to U.S. Department of Education requirements that focus on data for undergraduate students who meet certain criteria; details are provided within each category.
Colorado Technical University Outcomes Measures
CTU公布的数据涉及其学生群体和项目的广泛多样性, 这符合CTU对所有学生的使命和目标. Read more about CTU's Outcomes Measures.
Programmatic Information
ABET要求各院校公开公布经该机构程序化认证的每个项目的年度学生入学和毕业数据. 每个项目的信息可在以下链接中找到:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
商业与管理学院发布由商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP)认可的项目的学生学习成就数据。. Additional information can be found by clicking here
对于大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)的具体信息,需要完成和就业率, follow the links below:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - (RN to BSN completion)
CTU公布了项目管理协会全球认证中心(PMI-GAC)认证的所有项目的入学和学位信息。. Additional information can by found at the following links:
Program Enrollment and Degrees Conferred
Professional Licensure
Pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.43, 如果一个教育项目是为了满足一个州的职业要求而设计的,那么该机构就可以随时向在校生和未来的学生提供有关特定职业执照或认证要求的信息. 有关CTU旨在获得额外执照或认证的课程的信息,可在以下链接中找到:
Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner
Post Graduate Certificate – Family Nurse Practitioner
State Disclosures
马里兰学生寻找马里兰代码要求的项目信息, Commercial Law § 13-320(b)(1)-(2), click here.
Student Loan Cohort Default Rate (CDR)
队列违约率(CDR)是指进入还款后又拖欠贷款的借款人的百分比. 这个数字是根据三年的数据计算出来的. 全国学生贷款拖欠率由美国教育部计算,每年公布一次.
从3月13日开始,联邦学生贷款暂停支付,这对最新的(20财年)队列违约率产生了重大影响, 2020. During the pause, 教育署持有的学生贷款的借款人不需要支付任何款项, and no borrowers with ED-held loans entered default. CTU’s default rate for 2020 is 0%.
Annual Security Report
科罗拉多理工大学非常重视学生的安全. From physical security at any CTU campus, 保护敏感的个人和财务信息, CTU制定了一系列政策,以确保积极和富有成效的学习经验. 年度安全报告包括有关校园安全政策的珍妮克莱里披露的信息, the Campus Crime Statistics Report, and information about Title IX. 信息提供给未来的学生和员工的要求,美国.S. Department of Education. A paper copy is available upon request. Click here for more security report information.
Articulation Agreements
衔接协议是两个校区之间的正式书面协议. 它们定义了如何使用一所学校的课程来满足另一所学校课程的学术要求. 这里列出了与CTU签订衔接协议的学校. 这些衔接协议可能并不适用于所有课程.
Grievance Procedure
希望处理申诉或认为自己的权利可能被剥夺的学生可以通过CTU申诉专员办公室寻求帮助. 申诉专员的工作人员负责回答学生的询问,并作为学生和大学部门之间的联络人. 有关此流程和CTU申诉程序的其他详细信息, including contact information, can be found in the University Catalog.
General Information
Information about program and University policies, including admissions, academics, transfer credit, financial aid, 和毕业要求可以在CTU大学目录中找到.